So my good friend Kristen tagged me and i love a good survey, so I'm gonna!
4 jobs I have had:
1. Quiznos
2. Ruby Tuesday Waitress
3. Wells Fargo Teller
4. Dental Office Manager (current job)
4 movies I have watched more than once:
1. Titanic
2. PS I Love You
3. The Notebook
4. Legends of the Fall
4 Places I have lived: warning: not too many
1. Parents Home in SJ
2. DownTown SL
3. Back to Parents House in SJ
4. Current apartment in millcreek
4 TV shows I watch:
1. The Office
2. Gossip Girl
3. Lost
4. John and Kate Plus 8
Plus many more... I watch way too much tv.
4 Places I have been:
1. New York
2. British Columbia
3. California
4. Mexico.. for four hours
4 People who text me regularly:
1. Ali
2. Kristen
3. Erin
4. Dall
4 of my favorite foods:
1. Anything Japanese.... Gyoza and Sushi especially
2. Cucumbers in Vinegar
3. Turkey and Arctichoke Panini from Paradise Bakery
4. My moms patatoes and hot dogs!!!
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. Italy
2. Scottland
3. New Zealand
4. Bora Bora
4 friends i am tagging because their awesome blog posts are constantly entertaining me, and i am fairly sure they'll respond:
1. Erin and Dan
2. Marni and Landon
3. Rachel and Jeff
4. Ali and Josh
1. How long have you been married? 1 year and 3 months
2. How old is your spouse? 24
3. Who eats more? Dall by far
4. Who said I love you first? Dallas i think, it was a long time ago
6. Who sings better? I love Dallas's voice! I have sang more publicly but dall is really good too.
7. Who is smarter? We both have our strong suits. We are smart at different things
8. Who controls the TV remote? We both like to control it... and if one of us doesnt like the show that is on, the other will just get on the computer.
9. Whose temper is worse? We both have bad tempers but mine gets set off quicker... he usually calms me down.
10. Who does the laundry? He usually washes.. and i will fold and put away. We dont have a washer and dryer at our apartment so we are using my parents.
11. Who does the dishes? Usually me. But he will if i am warn out. Great hubby he is.
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dall.. against the wall. Ha.
13. Who cooks dinner? Me.. not that i cook very much, but i do it.
14. Who is more stubborn? That would be the both of us.
15. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? After a while of ignoring, i usually will. I just love him too much.
16. Whose parents do you see the most? We see mine more for sure. We need to see his more.
17. Who has more friends? We have an equal amount but we hang out with Dalls more.
18. Who has more siblings? I do... four.
19. Who wears the pants in the family? Dallas does.. only cause i let him. Ha ha! I love my husband.