And last is the first Belly picture. I took this when I was exactly 15 weeks. I know... I'm quite large in the belly for only 15 weeks. And this is why... when I went in for my 14 week Dr. appointment, he measured my from my belly button to my pelvic bone, which I'm sure all OB's do. Anywho, he measured me twice and looked at me funny. He said "Did you know that the space I just measured is extremely small? Probably the smallest space I have seen on a stomach." I didnt really know what he meant so I said "Is that a bad thing?" Then he said " No but you will show really early on in your pregnancy and you will cary the baby high and far out. You wont be very comfortable from week 28 to delivery." So.. that was a joyous thing to hear. It caught me by surprise because I always thought I had a really long torso. I guess I didnt know a thing!