Well Gabe is 2 Months now!! I cant believe my baby boy is 2 months!!! The time goes by so fast. Gabe has started to learn new things in this last month.
*He has started to smile big for mom and dad.
*He smiles for a few other people too, like Grandma and Aunt Allie.
*He is getting to be such a little talker too.
*He loves it when you blow kisses on his belly.
*Now he only falls asleep when he is being rocked to Karen Carpenter.(Something my Dad did to all of us when we were babies.)
*He loves to stare at the Christmas lights on the tree. He will stare until he falls asleep.
*He knows the difference between sitting down and standing up when you are holding him. He Only likes it when you are standing up!
Oh we LOVE our baby boy Gabers!

Gabe went into his 2 month Doctor visit on Monday, November 30th. He was such a good boy. They weighed him and took all his measurements and he was a little angel through all of it. He weighs 10 ibs 2 oz, and is now 21 inches long (which I believe is a little off, I think he is longer than that!)He is in the 75% of his weight, which is great. His daddy is very proud that he is putting on some "Meat." Gabe was happy and talking the whole appointment, until I put him on the table for the dredded shots. Oh boy he was not a happy camper when the nurse poked him 3 times in the leg. He flinched for the first shot, then he held his breath for about 10 seconds for the second and third shots. His face went bright red and he let out the saddest cry I have ever heard. Poor little guy! He was not too happy with mommy for a little while. Here he is, tuckered out from a long day of pain!

Oh, and here are two cute pictures of Grandma Leslie with Gabe and Grandma Dawn and uncle Kellan when they were down here visiting! We love you guys!