

I got tagged by Alison so enjoy...
I am: a daughter, wife, future mother... someday!
I think: my headache needs to go away now.
I know: that i LOVE the snow and the five inches that are outside my apartment.
I want: a gorgeous picture of christ for christmas. (The Good Shepherd.)
I have: a wonderful life, husband and family!!
I dislike: when people take advantage of the people that love them, just because they know they can get away with it.
I miss: my grandma burr.
I fear: my husband dying and leaving me here all alone.
I feel: very excited for christmas!
I hear: Heros, dallas is obsessed!
I smell: My scnetsy, its white pine.. YUM!!
I crave: Sushi, it's been too long old friend.
I usually: am having hormonal freak outs lately.. stupid Clomid!
I cry: not as much as i should. I bottle it all up inside till i BLOW UP!
I search: for my keys that fall to the bottom of my purse.
I wonder: if this clomid will work? Pregnancy is on my mind most of the time.
I regret: some decisions i have made in my life.
I wish: losing weight would be easier.
I love: Dallas, my family, friends, the church.
I care: for a nice, hot bubble bacth!
I always: want the people i love to know that i love them!
I worry: about my sister. I want her to make the right decisions in life.
I am not: very good at returning phone calls... just like Ali!
I remember: the first time me and Dallas kissed. We were sophmores in high school, at rocky point haunted house. Cheese Ball!
I believe: my life is just getting better and better!
I sing: everyday. It is one of my favorite things to do!
I argue: more than i should. I am always trying to get my point across, which always ends in an arguement.
I write: in my journal often. I think journal writing is extremely important.
I win: hardley ever at any game dallas and i play. Games are a sensitive subject!
I lose: my patience in rush hour traffic.
I don't understand: how some people think. Most people actually!
I can usually be found: with my nose in a stephanie meyer book, or in my compfortable bed!
I need: To get ready...
I forget: that i am already almost 25. I still feel 19.
I am happy: when i am surrounded by my family, and playing Chinese checkers!
I tag: Kolby, Chelsea, Erin, Allie, Michelle, Steph, Marcie, Marn and Rach.

1 comment:


I love the hair cut. you have probably had it cut for awhile but i haven't checked you blog in awhile, sorry! hope all is well.