So this wonderful vacation i was mentioning could possibly be the worst vacation i have had. The week started out great. I got to sleep in, visit my mom, go out to lunch with friends. Then on thursday, i went in to do some mail at the office and my throat started to KILL. I got home and my body was starting to ache really bad. I took a nap and when i woke up, i was throbbing everywhere. I was having heat flashes and a killer sore throat. I doped myself up on nyquil an aleive before i went to bed.... only to be woken up by me feeling sick to my stomach. Ya... i didnt leave the toilet for some time that first night. So whatever it was that i had.... well i STILL HAVE IT, six days later. My sore throat was the begining of a terrible hacking cough, which wakes Dall up in the middle of the night and he thinks i'm dying. I also have a stuffed nose that stings when i try to breath. My body is weak and is shaking all day. I HATE being sick more that anything. The only thing i want to do is go to work. That way, I'll know i'm feeling better and not being a terrible employee!! I hope all this Vitamin C i'm taking is paying off and not destroying my liver!
On a much more sad note, my family cat Ebby, who we have had and loved for 10 years, was put to sleep on saturday. I noticed something was wrong with her a week ago sunday. She was walking really slow and she didnt like to be moved. I told my parents to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days to see if she would get better. Things only got worse as the week went on. My dad, sister and I took her to the vet on wednesday to see what was wrong. The vet said she that her kidneys were not working proberly and that they were shutting down. So we took her home one last time to let everyone say goodbye before we took her back to be put to sleep. Maybe I'm crazy but i loved this cat so much! I am TERRIBLE when it come to my pets dying. I cryed numerous times throughout the week just thinking about her and that she will no longer be here. Goodness, my horemones are so crazy right now. So all in all, Ebby was a great cat to our family for the last 10 years. We loved her very much and are sad to see her go. We will miss her dearly!

Sorry to hear about your cat, Angie. I hope you get feeling better soon - if it makes you feel any better, I'm sick too, so i feel your pain.
wow, I'm so sorry!!! Being sick sucks... I threw up 5 times yesterday. It was awful! So, I can feel for you lady, I'm so sorry! And hwo did your doctor appointment go? Let me know!
Yeah, the throwing up has been minimal, but I'm constantly nauseated. Its really weird, and its really bizarre because all food turns me off. I thought you were supposed to crave food!? lol
Oh my gosh...did my pictures really make you throw up?!? im so sorry...but I know why:) How are you? I need updates!
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