
Yup... Going Private!!!

Hello All. So I, as of many of you, have decided to go private. It's just that time. So, to all our family, friends and the people who we dont know... but still enjoy our blog, please leave your emial so I can add you. Thank you very much!!! And everyone have a WoNdErFuL ChRiStMaS!!!!!!!



I got tagged by Alison so enjoy...
I am: a daughter, wife, future mother... someday!
I think: my headache needs to go away now.
I know: that i LOVE the snow and the five inches that are outside my apartment.
I want: a gorgeous picture of christ for christmas. (The Good Shepherd.)
I have: a wonderful life, husband and family!!
I dislike: when people take advantage of the people that love them, just because they know they can get away with it.
I miss: my grandma burr.
I fear: my husband dying and leaving me here all alone.
I feel: very excited for christmas!
I hear: Heros, dallas is obsessed!
I smell: My scnetsy, its white pine.. YUM!!
I crave: Sushi, it's been too long old friend.
I usually: am having hormonal freak outs lately.. stupid Clomid!
I cry: not as much as i should. I bottle it all up inside till i BLOW UP!
I search: for my keys that fall to the bottom of my purse.
I wonder: if this clomid will work? Pregnancy is on my mind most of the time.
I regret: some decisions i have made in my life.
I wish: losing weight would be easier.
I love: Dallas, my family, friends, the church.
I care: for a nice, hot bubble bacth!
I always: want the people i love to know that i love them!
I worry: about my sister. I want her to make the right decisions in life.
I am not: very good at returning phone calls... just like Ali!
I remember: the first time me and Dallas kissed. We were sophmores in high school, at rocky point haunted house. Cheese Ball!
I believe: my life is just getting better and better!
I sing: everyday. It is one of my favorite things to do!
I argue: more than i should. I am always trying to get my point across, which always ends in an arguement.
I write: in my journal often. I think journal writing is extremely important.
I win: hardley ever at any game dallas and i play. Games are a sensitive subject!
I lose: my patience in rush hour traffic.
I don't understand: how some people think. Most people actually!
I can usually be found: with my nose in a stephanie meyer book, or in my compfortable bed!
I need: To get ready...
I forget: that i am already almost 25. I still feel 19.
I am happy: when i am surrounded by my family, and playing Chinese checkers!
I tag: Kolby, Chelsea, Erin, Allie, Michelle, Steph, Marcie, Marn and Rach.

Fun Stuff

Well I LOVE Christmas time!!! I would say its my favorite holiday of the year. I'm just a happy person in December! We didnt have a christmas tree this year so my mom let us borrow her half tree. It turned out really cute. We will prob just buy a tree after christmas when there are tons of sales on them.

I made another picture frame. It's dark brown and blue. I really like this one for a baby boys nursery.Fun.

And yesterday, Kristen, Corrine and I met up for lunch at Tai Pan to eat and do a little shopping. I didnt get anything, Thank goodness. I would have spent way too much money. It was really good to see them both. I havent seen Corrine in about a year so it was way over-do. I have to come to find that friends are SO important at whatever stage of life you are in.