

Well, I have 1 week off of work and I am loving it so far! Sleeping in, watching Good Things Utah, Reading, Having the apartment to myself.... dont get me wrong, I love when Dall is home but i love having "ME TIME." It's gonna be a good week off to sit back, relax and just breath.... and go to the gym whenever i want because i am not tired after a long day of work. I'm loving life.


allieB said...

I didnt know that you had work off. Now you can be like me for a week hahaha!!

Kolbi Young said...

Enjoy!!!! I love having vacation time and just spending it at home. It seems like when I really go on vacation, I come home more exhausted than when I left ;) Hope all is well!

Ali said...

I wish i could go to the gym with you during the day! We missed you guys last night! It was a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Angie...I love love love you! Im so glad I talked to you the other day! I miss you and love you!